It will be extremely important for you to be extremely honest with yourself and everyone around you during this period. You won't get anywhere by deceiving people or telling lies and passing them off. If you think that someone you care about is not being honest with you, you may be right, but before you confront this person, you should make sure that they are not being honest with you.
You may be tired, dealing with delays and feeling extremely stressed. You shouldn't keep pushing yourself in this situation. Taking a short break can have a very positive effect on you and your work. Make sure the people around you are optimistic.
If you are currently employed and not satisfied with your job, perhaps it is the perfect time to look for a new job. You could be being literally mistreated in your work environment and you don't have to put up with it. Don't take injustice personally, but remember that you don't have to put up with it. Sometimes the best solution may be to simply leave.
You may be facing some difficulties in your current relationship. It may be time to take your partner in front of you and have a very honest and open conversation. You should think very carefully and listen in case there are situations that your partner is going through but does not want to talk about. Hiding from the truth does no one any good.
You may have a current or upcoming problem with money. For you, there will be a period when you should definitely not waste, but at the same time, you should not allow yourself to panic. If you have been having problems with money for a long time, it may be best for you to stay away from financial matters for a while and not stress yourself about money flow. The phrase 'money isn't everything' is indeed a cliché, but it's perfectly true, remember that.
If you are not feeling well, you should consider that all or some of your symptoms may be due to stress. You may be pushing yourself for too long. If you are in doubt about your health, it may be very important for you to undergo a full health screening. Talk to people you trust about what healthcare might be best for you.
You should not forget that it is your responsibility to protect yourself physically and spiritually. You should not allow your boss, your closest friends or family, or anyone else to mistreat you. You are the person who can defend you best, you should not let anyone who makes you feel bad.