This card often refers to romantic partnership, but that's not all it represents. It can also represent balance, friendship, joy and sharing.
This card often refers to romantic partnership, but that's not all it represents. It can also represent balance, friendship, joy and sharing.
It is a card that indicates that there is a high probability that things will go well in general. Being loved, cared for, etc. You will feel more.
This indicates that you are likely to be appreciated at your workplace and that even if you don't particularly like your job, you should at least feel largely comfortable. If you are looking for a job, it may also represent that you will find it very soon.
This card represents true love, balanced relationship, commitment and everything most of us hope for about love and relationship. However, this does not mean that a relationship where you can just say 'forget it' will continue; it just shows that you have the foundations, the facts, and the potential for true love. If you are looking for 'love', it may mean that you will get it very soon. You should relax and look your way.
Regarding finance, this card symbolizes balance and justice. You may not be 'swimming in money', but it indicates that in the very near future you will have enough money to meet your obligations.
If you are struggling with a particular health issue, you may need to find a 'healer' you trust and can work with well. This card has a very positive meaning, especially when it comes to health.
You are likely to be intertwined with the energies of the universe and with yourself. This is one of the cards that represents the heart chakra and its opening. You must often feel more than 'loving' for everyone and everything. Share this beautiful energy, the world needs more!
This card often refers to a romantic partnership, but it is not its only connotation. It can talk about balance, friendship, joy and sharing.
In general, this is a card that indicates that things are likely to go well. However, you should be careful not to damage your friendship relations by giving too much importance to your love life.
You may suddenly find that you love your job much less and your friends treat you very unpleasantly. First of all, don't panic. If your job really isn't right for you, you may need to make a change. Trust your instincts.
In the period when you draw this card, you may need to be careful not to drag your life in a bad direction by putting your love life before everything else. If you have drawn this card when there are problems in a relationship, perhaps it is time to forgive the mistakes of the past and look ahead.
This card usually symbolizes money-related balance and justice. If money is a problem for you, look at your relationship with the people you work with. Is there anything you can do to improve your business relationships? Improved relationships will likely also help balance the flow of money.
If you are facing certain health problems, it may be time to reconsider your thoughts about helping other people. You may need some healing, but it may be difficult for you to get a helping hand. In general, this card is a positive harbinger of health.
It is a time when you need to work on feeling the energies of the universe and feeling at home. This card represents the heart chakras and their opening. Share your joy and happiness.