2 of Wands

2 of Wands


2 of any suit is usually all about balance. It will be very important for you to maintain your balance as best you can. The 'balance' here is a balance that should be in all areas of life. Even if this 'balance' thing seems boring to you, you have to maintain it, it is sure to help you a lot during this time. The 2 wands usually indicate a partnership. This partnership can be a business, personal or both partnership.


In general, this card tells us to check the balance of give and take, which is necessary for all successful partnerships. If things go unevenly, it will 'break down' after a while. You should keep your eyes peeled and check every area.


You are about to complete things in a new or unusual way. Your jobs are about to get a lot easier and if you are looking for a job you are about to find the right place. Don't let anyone stop you from your path. Inwardly, you are more balanced than you realize.


If you are already in a relationship, your relationship is about to become much more 'equal'. Pay attention to your ideas about equality and balance and exchange these ideas with your partner. If you are looking for love, the person who would probably make a great match for you is already in your life. Don't judge a book by its cover, if someone is interested in you, you should give them a chance. This relationship could be exactly what you want.


Your income and expenses become much more balanced. This card symbolizes justice and equality, if you think you're not getting your due, you should voice it. You yourself will be surprised how well you can improve your financial situation with your own hands.


Balance will be very important for you during this period, especially in terms of health. Work that heals your chakras, body, soul and mind will be very beneficial for you. Do you pay enough attention to all matters concerning yourself? If you don't, it's time to start being mindful. The benefits of being mindful will outweigh any effort you can put in. Your health is probably in a much better position than you fear.


Spiritual partnership with only one person can be beneficial for you during this time. You should also remember that you are always spiritually partnered with yourself. Remember to take time and space to take care of yourself spiritually and emotionally. To establish a good partnership with others, you must first get along well with yourself.

2 of Wands (Reversed)

2 of Wands


There may be a pleasant surprise coming your way soon. Take time to think positively and be grateful for the blessings life brings to you. Let yourself get joy and pleasure from the little things.


Try to approach the emotions you are feeling from a logical point of view. Sometimes something you feel may not be the same as what is actually happening. It is important to make some changes and try new things to enjoy life. If you are thinking of taking risks and/or making big changes in your life, make sure you balance your life well.


It may be right for you to expect everything to go well in your business life during this period. Positive news such as new jobs or a salary increase may surprise you. On the other hand, it may be time to let go of work environments that were good for you in the past but are no longer good for you. If you decide to quit your job, make sure you're not trying to cut all contact with your past. You don't need to burn all the 'bridges'.


Your relationship is likely to become deeper and more meaningful. If you are looking for love and you are not in a relationship, a relationship may soon begin where you can be very happy. You could literally be swept off your feet and meet someone stunning, uplifting. It is not possible to experience these while you are reading a book in the dark at home or isolating yourself from other people. If you think you need a relationship like this in your life, go out and find it.


You may encounter a positive surprise regarding money. You shouldn't gamble with more money than you can afford to lose, but this surprise could be a lottery or betting win for you. You will most likely get a good salary increase or welcome favors in anything you deem more valuable than money. It's a good time for you, enjoy it.


Regarding your health, you cannot expect anyone in the world to give clear information about your future health status. If you need healing, you must first start by really wanting that 'healing' state. If you're healthy, this is not the time to take silly risks. Never forget that the first thing you should think about is your health, know your physical limits and do not exceed them.


A 'spiritual leader' may be trying to dominate you and force you to accept all his ideas. You should think what's best for you and not accept what others say just because 'they' are saying it. Of course, no human being is a 'perfect' spiritual leader, but truly good leaders will never expect you to accept their ideas by saying they are perfect. Trust your own impressions and instincts.