Regardless of how this card is depicted (a heart with swords running through it), know that all is not bad. While there is an undeniable element of grief when this card appears, what lies on the other side of this sadness can increase understanding and joy. Now experience any element of pain or grief that arises; Remember, what doesn't kill makes you stronger.
In general, this card may indicate very deep emotional issues that need to be addressed. Denying the pain doesn't deny the pain, you have to accept the problems. However, as in the Sword 2, balance is very important. Allow yourself to experience the pain, but don't stay too long in it. Only you can decide how much time is enough, others cannot decide for you.
Your emotions and ego may be impaired for a work-related reason. Try to take this into account. Your whole life is not your career (or at least it shouldn't). Finding a better reason to work can help. Do not hesitate to ask questions. If you are looking for a job, you are likely to find a different job than the job you are looking for. Do not give up.
In the context of love, this card does not have to be the death knell, but your relationship is likely to take a very difficult road. For the relationship to survive, both parties need to walk this path together and talk honestly about the relationship. You may find that the person you think cares about you is actually not as loving as you think. If that's the case, don't take it too personally or suffer. You are moving towards the relationship that is right for you. You cannot force something to be true or for someone to care about you. The right person will gladly walk this path with you.
Unfortunately, this card can be a little heartbreaking when it comes to money. But the thing to remember is that you won't be helping yourself by being afraid and rushing things. Look at your situation without fear and consider step by step what you can do to correct it. If the situation as a whole seems insurmountable, try to fix it piecemeal without looking at the big picture. Don't let your pride stop you from asking for financial help when you need it. By getting others to give it to you, you're doing them a favor, too.
The news about your health may not be as good as you hoped and/or emotions/depression/anxieties may be taking a toll on your physical being. No matter what your situation is, having a positive attitude is very important at this stage. Remember that doctors are not gods, treat yourself with love and compassion. Surround yourself with as many positive people as you can.
This is not the time to focus on situations/people who have charted their own course in life. You must make room for new things to come to you in your life, in your heart, in your soul. Have you done all the good you can do for yourself? The answer you seek is within you, and you may need help finding it. You should talk to someone you trust about this situation.