3 of Wands

3 of Wands


Your finances will probably go into a much better period when this card appears. You may feel very powerful for good reason. After going through some difficulties, you may be entering a period where you will finally be positive and reap the fruits of your hardships.


In general, this card portrays work in a very positive way. Even if you don't work outside the home, you should know that your efforts are highly respected and appreciated. Give yourself some credit, you're a very successful person.


This card indicates that you are performing work that you can be proud of, even if you are not completely reaping the benefits of your efforts in work-related matters. If you are looking for a job, you may soon find yourself working in a much better position than you were looking for. Always keep your head up and remember that you are a very helpful person.


Your romantic relationship will keep getting better and better as long as your partner continues to treat you equally. If he insists on not treating you equally, it may be time to speak up and part ways. If you've met someone new recently, know that you are highly respected by that person. If you are searching for love but can't find what you want, you may be spending too much time and effort on your work and career life. You may want to consider dedicating more time to your personal life.


Financially, your business will go very well. Even if you don't see proof of this right now, you will soon. The time has come to reap the fruits of your efforts. Be careful not to overextend yourself financially, though. Be sure to share your wealth. You can do much more financially than you ever imagined.


When you draw this card, your health is likely to be near perfect. In terms of health, your efforts are probably starting to bear fruit. Do not hesitate to try reasonable and alternative ways of treating health problems.


You have at least a somewhat mature, logical spiritual view. Regardless, always remember that people's opinions can change and evolve. Don't be blindly attached to something, be open to innovation.

3 of Wands (Reversed)

3 of Wands


It is likely that everything you expect will be much better in the near future. You may have finally gotten a well-deserved rest and your period of hard work may be slowly coming to an end. Give yourself some time to 'recharge' again.


This card may represent a positive wish that will come true. Really think about 'what' and 'why' you wish well. You will probably get new ideas about yourself and other people. In general, you can count on the new information you will gain.


You can take important steps in your business and experience great leaps. You may even be preparing yourself to start a business. In general, you can expect good results in the work you will do during this period. Don't be shy, make sure your talents are recognized by people.


Difficulties in your love life may be coming to an end during this period. If you are looking for love, beware of people trying to contact you. As the saying goes, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Give people a chance, the results may surprise you.


Your business will definitely be on the rise during this period. However, this increase will depend on how much you communicate with other people and the cooperation you will make with them. Don't try to do everything on your own. Find a trusted advisor if you have financial questions.


Your upcoming test results are likely to be better than you expected. You are on the right track in caring for yourself, keep moving forward. You may consider seeking professional help to sustain your efforts, a professional opinion can help you more than ever.


You may be on the verge of a positive attempt to grow spiritually. You should know that you can do this and that the results of this attempt will be very good. Inspiration and new information may come from an unexpected and unexpected place.