4 of Cups

4 of Cups


The 4 of hearts is usually a card about turning things upside down. It warns us to pay attention to what is happening right now and the many events we are experiencing right now, and not to worry about what might happen. We must not forget how easy it is to lose what we have while chasing what we don't have.


Be sure to 'be grateful for what you have'. Don't waste time pitying yourself or wishing your life will move forward. Most of our lives are about where we set our goals. Focus on the things and people in your life you need to be grateful for.


You may not like your job very much, but at least realize that you are not starving. In today's modern era of extravagance, business certainty is a thing of the past. No job is 100% certain. Be thankful you're not one of the unemployed. Remember that it is rare for any of us to fall into the void.


Take care of yourself about whether you are being realistic about love. Have you set your heart to exclude everyone else? Or someone who doesn't value you very much and is totally unreachable?


Focus on your strengths, what you have and what you can do; not what they can't and can't have. If you're not where you want to be financially, make goals and plans to get there. See where you are financially in a precise sense, it will benefit you greatly in terms of your goals.


Focus on the positive. If you have physical problems, remember that you do not have to be in your current state in the future for health reasons. Pay attention to diet, exercise, rest and healthy eating. Remember that you can consult an expert or friend to become a healthier person.


Consider that thoughts such as 'poor me' or 'I wish things were different' might be the reason why you cannot see the beauty and precious things in your life in your current situation. Stay still and neutral in the present moment. Make a list of 20 people/situations in your life that you should be grateful for, at least for now. Thinking along these lines can affect your 'mental health' very quickly and for good.

4 of Cups (Reversed)

4 of Cups


This card is about getting out of a routine that has been imposed on you. You may know that you are in a rush, but you may not know that the reason is imposed on you. You can control your own destiny to some degree, so it's time to get down to business. You may see yourself starting to act again, which is good.


It's time to take action. This is not the time to feel sorry for yourself or cling to 'what ifs'. Start where you are and know that you can make a difference no matter what.


You may be starting an attempt to finally get yourself out of an unhappy work situation. You have to be confident, you can create the life you want by scraping it with your own hands. Trust yourself.


It's finally time to go beyond the ghosts of your past and connect you to the happy love stories that await in the future. You have to think about what and who you really need in your life. Look forward, not backward.


If you look carefully around you, you can see opportunities that you have not seen before. Take some time for yourself to explore them. To achieve good things and earn money, your motivation must be higher than ever. You can do it, believe in yourself.


Now is a great time to make some improvements to your health care routine. Ask if you need more exercise, more nutrition. Also, if you missed the necessary checks, it's a good time to do them.


This card tells you that you are coming out of a routine, which is very good. Stay positive, look for new ways to learn and explore your soul. You don't have to explore your soul in classical ways like everyone else. Remember, there is no one else in the world like you, and there never will be.