5 of Wands

5 of Wands


5 of wands usually denotes competition. This rivalry is usually related to business life, but in some cases it can also refer to love life. Do not be afraid to compete, be confident and know that you will be successful. You have to try to see results.


When you draw this card, your faith in yourself should be more than ever. Keep your head up high and keep walking on the path you believe in. If you are thinking of making a career change, you should know that you will be successful.


You should know that you will face competition. The only way not to lose for sure is to try, don't be afraid to try. Take care to do your competition fairly and honestly, because as Gandhi said, a fraudulent win is never, ever permanent.


Other than you, a few more people may have been affected by the person you've had your eye on. You shouldn't give your best, a good relationship requires sacrifice. This card can also mean that you are attracted to several people, choose well.


Even if your money is limited, try to approach your financial situation calmly and logically. Just because you can't fulfill all your obligations right away doesn't mean you'll never do them. Do your best and be honest about your situation. Everything will probably be better in a few weeks.


You may be disappointed when you are looking for answers about your health. If you're being blocked, sometimes trying to push it forward isn't the best solution. Sometimes in life we need to know how to get around obstacles. You may be overworked that negatively affects your health, so you should at least take a break for yourself.


It is not possible to complete your spiritual development by running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Take time to rest, to do nothing. Take time to be quiet and calm down. Life is not all about competition. You should give yourself this opportunity of time and space and contribute to your spiritual development.

5 of Wands (Reversed)

5 of Wands


This card can represent conflict and rivalry, usually this rivalry appears in the job/career field. In case of problems at work, you should know and remember that you should not face this problem alone. Try to settle your affairs calmly and logically, and always think before you act.


You really need to trust and believe in yourself now. If something or someone makes you feel 'insecure', trust your instincts. However, whatever the problem is, avoid taking irreversible steps and magnifying the problem. Try to make decisions calmly, no matter how angry you may be in the weeks ahead.


When this card appears, there is likely to be an atmosphere of conflict at work. If you stay in a conflict environment, think calmly and logically, try to avoid arguments as much as you can. Protect yourself as much as possible by keeping an eye on important matters such as tracking your actions, having required permissions, and having witnesses during contentious discussions. If you're looking for a job, don't let outside competition intimidate you. Show off your unique talents to present to your employers.


If you are currently in a relationship, you may have a topic on your agenda that may actually seem like a discussion, but which can connect you more when you dig deeper. If you are looking for love or have 'fallen in love' with someone who is not interested in you, you must understand that their unwillingness is their problem, not yours. If you really want this person, you may need to be a little more patient for them to realize their mistake.


If you are currently struggling with money, it may be time to review your habits. You may be thinking that there is nothing you can do to cut your spending, make more money, or get more returns on your investments. You should try to examine your financial situation like an outsider. If someone else were in your place, what would you advise him to do?


You may have been trying to cope with physical pain lately. If you have pain and you ignore it, it can create very difficult times for you in the future. You should talk to your doctor before it's too late for even the slightest complaint. If pain is not relieved, it can drag your quality of life to the bottom. Talk to your doctor honestly about your symptoms and take extra care of your health during this period. Even a short hot shower or massage can make a huge difference for you.


You should know that spiritual development is not a 'competitive element'. People may be limiting or forcing you to progress at a certain pace. What you need to know is that the spiritual development of each person is different and may contain some contradictions. Any ritual that doesn't work for you may work for someone else, and vice versa.