7 of Pentacles

7 of Pentacles


The 7 Talisman is often a card about return on investment. This investment can be material, such as an investment in a bank account, or metaphorical, such as the time or energy you spend on a relationship. It is usually a positive card, but one thing to remember is: 'You reap what you sow.'


In general, it's possible that you're feeling more secure than you've always felt. Your life will go well and you will feel hopeful about the future. You may need to decide whether you should spend your energy on people and situations in your life, or on things that are new to come. Choose wisely.


Your business will likely run smoothly and you will reap the fruits of your past efforts. What will happen now or in the near future will be the result of what you have done in the past. Your financial situation will likely improve. Even if you're not 'rolling in the money' right now, you definitely have enough money to run your life smoothly. Try to keep the money flowing.


Regarding love, this card indicates that things will go well with the person you give your heart to. If you are not in a committed relationship, you may need to be open to other possibilities. None of us has one person we can be with and have a deep, happy relationship with. Do not give in to feelings of doubt or fear, everything will be fine.


This card is an excellent sign for financial affairs. You may have invested wisely either in terms of traditional investments or in terms of your time and energy. But this is not the time to gamble. You should be very careful about where you spend your resources (especially newly acquired resources).


You are collecting the result of your past actions. But it's still not too late to change that. Today sows the seeds of tomorrow. Be careful what you believe. Do you see yourself as a sick person or as a healthy person? Even if you are extremely stressed about your time and energy, you can take two seconds of your day to think positively.


You will get used to the fact that life is cyclical, everything that goes around you will come back to you unless it is lost. When you make a point of being generous—be it generosity with time, energy, or money—remember that it is also an investment in your own future. Share what you have, and it will come back to you with more than enough.

7 of Pentacles (Reversed)

7 of Pentacles


Whether this card is flat or inverted, it usually indicates 'investment income'. You will receive to a certain degree what you have given in the past. Even if you don't think well about something right now, it's likely that your thinking will become positive over time. Now is the time to reap what you have sown.


This card indicates that you need to be clear in your mind what success means to you and how you should achieve your goals. This is not the time to let your goals be vague. If you are in an uncertain state, you will never reach your goals. be clear.


You may feel that you are no longer satisfied with your current job. If this is the case, take the time and effort to understand why this is happening in particular. Be open-minded about the changes you can make in your current situation. You may not need to leave your job. Think critically and helpfully about others.


When you receive this card in the context of love, you need to understand that no relationship or person is perfect. No matter how hard you try, you are not perfect and you never will be. If you're looking for love and are constantly disappointed, you need to be careful not to be an unrealistic, perfected type of what your dream 'ideal' type looks like. True love should go beyond superficial appearances.


It is a sign that you need to be precise and specific about your financial goals. 'Having a comfortable retirement' is not a clear goal. Think ahead, it's always good to have passive income. Think about how you can get them.


When you draw this inverted card in the context of a health expansion, it's important to look at what your goals are. Sometimes it's important to think 'broadly' but the most important thing is to be precise and clear. Set small, achievable goals for your health, such as walking 3,000 steps per day in a week or eating vegetables once a week. Then try magnifying them after meeting these goals. The important thing is progress, not perfection.


You may be dealing with a feeling that is gnawing at you and giving you a sense of spiritual dissatisfaction. If so, it may be time to withdraw from your normal activities and rest for a while. The main point is that this card is telling you that your standard operating procedure needs some adjustment.