7 of Swords

7 of Swords


The 7 of Swords can point to someone acting unethically. Sometimes it can also be a symbol of meddling in a life you don't belong to. If you feel that someone is spying on you, you may be right. Resist this urge if you want to study someone else's life. Privacy is everyone's right.


If you entered an official or unofficial contest this month, you may have to follow the cheats in the contest. This can be anything from any poker game to a serious accusation against you at work. After all, as long as you do your job properly, you can easily get away from any simple accusation, do your job right and seriously.


In a business context, this card indicates that you are in a period when your employer is following you very closely and examining your work. It's time to do your work with self-sacrifice and not allow mistakes. Be careful not to get involved in business politics. If you're looking for a job, don't hesitate to talk to an employer you've met in the past, friends are for today.


If you are already in a relationship when you draw this card, the message of this card is that trust should be very important in your relationship. If you are in doubt about your partner for any reason, try to talk to them about it, even if it is difficult. Being passive aggressive will only make things worse. If you are looking for someone you will meet someone very interesting. When you meet someone new, it is important that you do not look like you do not want a relationship, but you should not talk like you are going to get engaged the next day. Provide balance.


What it shows you when you draw this card is that if you gamble or make any risky investment during this period, you will most likely lose. You may have to make some difficult decisions about money. You may not be in a good position to lend money, if someone asks you for a loan, you should speak plainly about your situation.


Do not perceive the first news you will hear about your health as good news. When you are going to make irreversible decisions in terms of health (such as plastic surgery), get ideas from second or even third parties. You should always be open to healing spiritually. There are many ways to heal, what exactly do you need to heal?


You have to be very, very careful with religious or spiritual groups or cults that want your money in exchange for so-called 'enlightenment'. The truth is, you don't need someone or anyone to experience spiritual enlightenment. Try to explore on your own, pay attention to the 'friends' you meet on this path of enlightenment.

7 of Swords (Reversed)

7 of Swords


This card reminds us that 'the trick doesn't work' without exception. Receiving this card is a sign that you will almost certainly be caught if you intend to cheat or take shortcuts in some way. If you've noticed that someone in your life is cheating on you, you can't pretend like nothing happened. If you want to continue your relationship, you should definitely ask for his account. That's not to say to assume someone is cheating. It only applies when you know for sure.


This card is a sign that things need to be 'get done' and that you need to think carefully about whether you meet the standards required to get things done. It may be time to correct your behavior. You already know where the most important changes need to be made, so take charge.


Your employer may be looking too closely at the work you do. It is not the time to 'run away' from anything, they will surely realize it. Things that seem so small to you can seem like a major breach of trust and cause a rift between you and your boss. If you are looking for a job, demonstrate your reliability and determination.


You may be feeling a sense of dissatisfaction in your love relationships. If that's the case and you're in a relationship, think about why you're not happy before you talk to your partner. Also consider what your role is in terms of conflicts or problems in the relationship. Is there anything you should or could have done differently?


You probably get good advice about money, but you may be tempted to ignore it. Listen carefully to what other people are saying. This is not the time to gamble or take any risks with money. Make sure you know what you're getting into. If something you've heard sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't.


Trust the wisdom of your body and higher energy. If you think you need more rest, take time to rest no matter what. It can be very beneficial for you to talk to someone you trust about your health. Also, don't be afraid to get second or third opinions on important matters.


This is a good time to seek advice from a trusted counselor when it comes to your spiritual beliefs. You can relate to someone without completely agreeing with everything they believe in. If you keep your mind open, open your eyes and ears, you can receive spiritual wisdom from people and the universe even if you don't really want to. Inspiration sometimes comes at a random moment.