You need to do your part to be happy and successful in the near future. Everyone makes plans about their 'get rich' dreams, but when you think realistically, you will see that no one can make big money without doing anything. You can't make money without doing your part, you will thank yourself for all the work you do in the future.
You may have to get into the old-fashioned hard work routine for too many things to ask of you in one or more areas of life. In general, this card points to responsibilities that you can't or shouldn't let go of. You should not think that the things you will do are only for the benefit of someone else, the things you will do will always be for your benefit. When you're done, you'll be very happy you did.
If you're looking for a job, be sure to impress employers about how hardworking you are or can be, and be genuinely hardworking. If you are already working, there may be an increase in the work you will do at a certain level. You must be ready to do your best. Trying to avoid your duties by whining can get you fired, so be careful.
In an existing relationship, you may find that one or both of you are unable or unwilling to do their part of the relationship. Relationships are not a parking lot. If you have a duty to do, be careful to do it, but if the other person does not do their duty and does not want to do it, realize that there is nothing you can do. If you are looking for love, you will have to sit down and try to find it. Build the life where you feel happy and fulfilled, and if you really want a relationship, go out and look for it.
This card may be warning you not to be misled about money. There's no harm in daydreaming, but don't make your future plans on the prospect of a lottery. They say 'good things happen to those who wait' but actually 'good things happen to those who work'. No success is achieved overnight, you must strive to achieve the success you want.
It may take some work and action to improve your health. There is always something that can be done, you should see a medical professional if you don't know what to do to improve your health or if you have a symptom that you don't know how to fix and you are worried about. Ignoring certain things can cause problems that cannot be fixed.
This card encourages us to take action in a spiritual context. This is not the time to retreat into your shell, if you are truly seeking spiritual growth, it is time to take new steps, meet new people, and try new approaches. These are all things that will result from your efforts. If you work hard you can achieve them and the results will be really impressive for you.