During the period when you draw this card, many things may be waiting for you. You may be tired of waiting, but this card is a clear sign that you need to continue to be patient for a while. You may have done everything you could and now the other party needs to take care of the rest.
You may think that nothing is progressing. Don't try to force things to happen because it will likely backfire on you. The best you can do is to do your best and let things take their course. If you've given your best, now it's your turn to wait.
You are probably waiting for decisions that have to be made by others. The results are likely to be good, but don't try to push people before they're ready. Be patient, the locks will break soon, but it's not up to you to break it.
When this card appears in the context of love, you probably see yourself ready for the next level up in the near future. However, you should not force the other person before they are ready. You cannot force them to do what you want, be patient and everything can go as you want.
Financially, things seem to be stagnant. It is not a good time for speculative investments unless you are doing it very long term. Things will keep flowing, you should try to save money. You may need to watch your spending habits.
You may be anxiously awaiting test results or what the cause of a symptom is. Take a moment to think about it and try to stay positive. Defend yourself, question yourself as much as you can, and try to educate yourself. Let things take their course and things will get better.
For most of us, patience can be a difficult spiritual lesson to master. However, the appearance of this card is a clear sign that you need to practice calmness and patience. Meditation will help you a lot. If you can't stand still and meditate for 20 minutes, start with 35 seconds. You can't come to a conclusion without starting from somewhere.