The 9 of Swords is a card that usually represents anxiety and fear. You should take another closer look at what you're worried about. You shouldn't blame yourself or people for what you feel. Practice controlled breathing, it will help you calm down.
You will need to guard against the feeling of anxiety. If you're feeling anxious, see if this feeling is under anyone's or your own power's control, or notice if people in your life are fueling it. If the second situation is in your life, you should definitely remove such people from your life. In this time period people are obsessed with making things 'better' in their lives, try to be happy with ordinary things. Where there is beauty is definitely where there is simplicity.
Worrying about your job isn't going to help you. Look at the things you can control and try to put your anxiety aside. If you are looking for a job, you should always think positively and do not hesitate to ask for help for the job. The next person you talk to could be the one who will open the perfect door for you.
There may be something bothering you about your relationship. You should not ignore your instincts. If you think something in your relationship is pretty unhealthy, you're probably right. If you feel that something is going on behind your back, you should talk about it with your partner. If you've met someone new recently, you should remember that not everything is as it seems. Confidence takes time to develop, don't rush it.
Could you be putting another friend in a difficult situation to give money to another friend? If that's the case, slow down and look critically at what's going on. Working hard to achieve something on your own? Research and contact funds that can help you if you need to. If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to ask questions.
You are at a time when you need to be very careful about the use of addictive substances such as drugs or alcohol. Stress can take a lot out of your life. Consider ways to reduce the risk factor and cope with stress. Even if you run out of everything, remember that you can change your lifestyle and the things you spend your money on. Money is not everything, remember that.
This card is clearly a warning to you about your brain thinking too much and your increased stress level. You can solve these problems on your own with ways to calm down, such as meditation. If you have no idea how to get started, read a good book or read lessons about it. Try to learn to speak in silence.