9 of Wands

9 of Wands


The cards of this suit are usually positive cards, but as you move up the same suit, complexity and difficulty can come up. For some, this card is where this challenge begins. This card can show worry and being stuck on worry.


The best thing to do when this card comes is to take a deep breath and calm down. Don't let your worries overwhelm you. Give yourself a little time, and after a while you will find that most of your worries are in vain. Relax and don't be afraid to ask for help. Asking for help is never a weakness.


Things can be tense at work. Try not to add to the tension. Think before you speak, be calm and unhurried. Think about what you can and cannot control, and don't let things you can't control fill your mind. Unfortunately, when this card is issued, it may be possible to be fired, you should think about what to do if this happens without panic.


In the context of love, it is important to remember that no relationship lasts forever. Try to give your loved one some personal space. If you are single and looking for the right person, now might not be a good time to find the right person. Are there things you want to change about yourself? This is a great time to integrate yourself so you will be quite ready for your next relationship.


Worrying about finances won't fix anything. Try to stay calm and try to plan your potential methods of advancement. Take small steps, you should ask yourself how can I increase your income even a little bit.


Anxiety, anxiety and stress are very likely to affect your life. Be sure to treat yourself well, drink lots of water and try to exercise. Breathing exercises and meditations can be very beneficial for you. If you are waiting for a test result, do not worry too much and remember that there is much you can do. Surround yourself with positive people.


You may not be inclined to be disciplined at the moment, but discipline will be a very important factor for your spiritual development during this period. Focus, plan, and invite yourself to higher levels of spiritual devotion. You definitely have the power to get where you want to be.

9 of Wands (Reversed)

9 of Wands


It's best for everyone to be kind to both yourself and others. Know your strengths, remember that kindness and weakness are not the same thing.


If you notice that your mental, emotional or physical strength is starting to wane, you should be careful not to 'beat' yourself. None of us can be perfectly strong all the time. Allow yourself to lean on someone or something positive and know that your strength will come back to you.


You may feel absolutely overwhelmed at work and don't know what to do. If this is the case, talk to people you trust in your personal life and plan the action you need to take. You should try to complete a few things rather than abandoning more than one thing. If you need help, you should not hesitate to ask for help and share your thoughts with someone you trust.


You may think that you are right about anything and your partner is 100% wrong. This may indeed be the case, but you cannot force your partner to see situations the way you see them through anger and pressure. Try a gentle approach and try to see the underlying reason for your partner's point of view. If you're looking for love, treating people kindly and warmly can come in handy.


Eating yourself up with fear and anxiety won't fix anything. Do not blame yourself for being in the position you are in and try to find a way out by approaching things logically. You can get through this, but you'll get nowhere by bursting with anger and stress. Nothing is likely to change overnight.


You must do your best to remain calm and patient. You should not allow feelings of anxiety and worry to affect your mental and physical health. If you are waiting for the answer to any question about your health, you may have to wait for a while. Don't be afraid to seek support and have honest conversations about your health.


You may not be able to find an 'inspiration' for your spiritual growth. You may have noticed that there is a lot of stress and anxiety in your life right now and this is affecting your spiritual development. You should try to communicate with your soul and energy, even if it takes about three minutes, remember that 1 is always greater than 0. You have to start taking steps, even if it's small steps.