


This card; It could be a card about jumping to conclusions, decisions, and of course, hasty judgments. If you're prone to this sort of thing and that's a sign to slow down and think things over more, as well as to give people 'more chances'. This can also be a time of fundamental spiritual awakening.


If you generally tend to jump to conclusions, you can put a stop to it. If others are making these kinds of decisions about you or someone you care about, there is little you can do other than understand that it is their problem and not yours.


Your efforts are taken into account, so this is an important time to put in the effort and attention to detail in your work. It is very likely that the news for you will be good. If you work hard and give your best, your efforts will definitely pay off. If you are lazy, it will be very important for you to start moving forward in a programmatic way before it harms your career.


If you are in a relationship, this indicates that a breakout period may be entered. This is the time to define precisely what you want from life and your relationships and take steps accordingly. If you are looking for love, a new relationship may arise in the near future. But before making new decisions (positive or negative) about your new love, you should make sure that you are not making any biased and blind decisions. Slow and calm wins the race.


Money and new contracts at your doorstep. Things will move forward in an extremely important and positive way. Do not speed and/or break the law during this period, or you may pay a high penalty fee. Being careful will always pay off.


This is an important time to let go of the past and the wrongs you perceive, especially if you have a chronic health condition. Letting go of your need to be right will help you feel better. Also, if someone has wronged you, you don't need to prove them wrong. You should always think positively.


You may find yourself exploring new ideas that don't appeal to you in the slightest. Also, you may find more truth and wisdom there than you think. Be open to new ideas and new experiences, they can benefit you in ways you can't even imagine. 'You never learn until you try.'

Judgment (Reversed)



This card is about decisions made very quickly and the consequences of those decisions. If you're prone to making these kinds of decisions, you should slow down a bit and try to take time to think things through more. This time can be a time of true spiritual awakening for you. Especially when this card is reversed, it means that the decision on any matter has already been made.


This card tells you to be careful with how you make decisions and how you judge situations. If you're the one who tends to 'conclude', you can and should control these situations. If others are making decisions for you or someone you care about, you should remember that others are responsible for the consequences, not you. Sometimes even judgments that seem unfair at first glance can turn out to be the best thing in the long run. Check what you can do and ignore the others.


You should know that some things can change. To keep the job you are in, you must always act as if you are being watched and work accordingly. It's an important time to put in the extra effort. If you work hard and always give your best, your efforts will surely be recognized and rewarded. If you are lazy, you should start working before it leaves a lasting mark on your business life.


Your current relationship has entered or will be entering a hiatus period. You and the people around you may be in a process of change. If you are looking for love and have changed your mind about someone in your life, it is likely that you will find love in the near future. Still, you need to think carefully before making snap decisions for your new love - good or bad. The one who acts slowly and calmly is the one who will always be profitable in the long run.


If there is a decision already made and the decision is not in the way you want, try to find another way. There is always more than one way to reach a goal, you should find the one that suits you best and follow the way. Allow people to try to help you as you follow this path. If things aren't going the way you hoped, this might be a good time to be flexible.


You should know that accepting that making mistakes is normal for you is an important mindset that helps you feel better. This card is an important sign that we should not fight change and understand that the past is over and not harbor anger towards the past. Think positive.


You need to be open to new ideas and new experiences. Change is constant in life. It is extremely important for you to look at new and different understandings and ways of thinking and see if they are right for you. You can benefit from these experiences in ways you can't even imagine. You will not get any of these benefits unless you are open to a certain amount of change, be open!