The Inverted King of Hearts is about masculine and feminine energy in balance; it carries all the positive qualities, both masculine and feminine. When this card appears, a risk-taking energy may be in your life.
When you draw the Inverted King of Hearts, reflect on what your most important dreams and desires are and how you can go after them. This King should inspire you to take risks when necessary.
At times, the inverted King of Hearts may indicate the impending emotional outburst of a man at work. This may be uncomfortable at first, but after a while everyone involved should have learned something positive and important about the situation(s). Don't take this explosion personally, even if it's aimed at you. But the problems/explosion may need to be "examined" with it later to get to the heart of things.
In general, when the King of reverse hearts appears, the news is very good in the realm of love. If you are looking for love; This card may indicate a person who comes into your life, ready to give up everything to pursue their dreams of love and happiness. It's a very romantic card. Be clear.
Inverted King can indicate someone who is ready to risk everything, including financial, to pursue a dream. There is nothing wrong with that, provided the person has a solid plan and is willing to work towards making something happen. However, if the "dream" is growing at the gambling tables, this is a big problem. Watch out for these trends and be sure to protect yourself.
Regarding health questions, especially if you are under the care of a doctor, the inverted King of Cups reminds us to trust that the healers in our lives are there for a reason. When it comes to "alternative healing" for serious conditions, be careful if you have a diagnosis. (If not, this card does not mean that such a diagnosis will come.) Treat your body with care and compassion. Learn as much as possible about supportive health and treatment options.
The Inverted King of Hearts can tend to be a 'knight' when it comes to spiritual pursuits. It is important to think for yourself and explore for yourself when this card appears. Don't follow a herd, and above all, think many times before making big life changes when you've never left the country before. It's okay if your spirit is calling you here, but be careful. Take one step at a time. There's no need to rush. You may regret hasty decisions made on the basis of a short-lived "spiritual" insight or because of a charismatic spiritual "leader."