This card usually speaks of authority, tradition and success in money matters. When you draw this card, it tells you that this is not the time to act maverick, it is right to move forward with ideas that are firmly on the ground. It can represent a real man in your life, and the man it represents is usually a very masculine man with hair and eyes on the darker end of the spectrum.
In general, this card tells us that we should be stewards of our lives, energies, and tangible things in our possession and use them. If he's talking about a man in your life, know that this man is someone you can absolutely believe in and trust.
An older, senior man plays a big part in your work life. This man is wise, fair, but a little quick to judge. Even if you have not met this person until now, he can be a loyal supporter of you. Always be ready to research, you will reap the fruits of it in the future.
The king is an excellent harbinger of love. Someone may come and sweep you off your feet. Yes, try to do your best, but don't try to pretend to be someone you're not. This person will love you for who you are. You have to be honest, more to come. If you are currently in a relationship, your relationship may go into a more comfortable period, but if there is something that you are uncomfortable with, it is the right time to voice it. Don't expect your lover to read your mind.
It is an excellent messenger in financial matters. You are probably pretty close to making a lot of money because of your own efforts/investments. This is not the time to speculate wildly. Take calculated risks, but don't get carried away. When you feel ready to share what you have, you should share a lot. Remember that money is just money, the shroud has no pockets.
If you embark on a path to face and deal with negative emotions, improvement in your health is inevitable at the end of this path. But you have to be careful about where, how and when you make this confrontation. Rituals can relax you at this time. What healthy rituals do you have? If the answer is nothing, try until you find the right ritual. It will benefit your health.
You may feel spiritually insatiable, perhaps because for many years your focus has been on your financial position and work life. Think about it, if you don't have any background in spiritual traditions, it might be good for you to start now by doing research on the internet or in the library. Take time for yourself to feed your soul. Believe it or not, your financial life will also improve as a result.