King of Wands, often associated with the astrological sign of Sagittarius; Expresses wise, positive, adventurous masculine energy. As with other picture cards, this card can represent a real person in your life. Most of the time this person is a man with light colored hair. When this card appears, there is likely to be an abundance of energy that you tend to use positively.
Generally speaking, this card brings good news. Even if it doesn't exactly represent an individual in your life, it shows that the men in your life support and respect you. You will feel ambitious and goal-oriented, and you will find the energy you need to do what you set your mind to.
In a business context, this card may represent a man with light-colored hair who would like to serve as a mentor to you. This man is someone you can trust, but his dealings with people can be somewhat rude. Learn what you can do from him, but remember to remove the things you don't want from his way of doing business. Your business will go well and if you are looking for a job, you will start working in a position you like.
The perfect card for love. You should know that someone you care about is also interested in you and has protective and loving feelings towards you. This person is someone who can very well meet the mutual effort required for a relationship to work. You may have spent too much time on your job or career right now, if that's the case, you should not neglect to spend some time on romance. Otherwise, the only thing in your life may be your career.
You may discover a talent you didn't know you had that will make you more money. If you are considering starting your own business, this might be a great time to take the first step. Read, research, connect with others doing the work you want to do. Whatever you do, don't stop setting big goals, there is power in courage.
This card warns you not to push your body's limits. Rest is one of the important parts of your health, you should not neglect it. Take time to think about how you really feel. Anger and negative emotions can easily harm your body.
This card tells you that the path you are walking on in your spiritual exploration is a good one. However, it warns you not to overdo it and not be hasty in your exploration. Developing spirituality is not an overnight task, it is a process. Meditations will help you a lot, if you can't stand still for even 30 seconds, you should start with the best you can and improve yourself. Don't be in a hurry.