This card may represent a woman in the life of the drawer. This woman is someone not to be taken lightly. They will usually have black hair and/or eyes. If he is not a person, in some situations it may be a sign that you need to be strong and honest to meet his needs. During this period, your feet should be firmly on the ground.
In general, the Queen of Swords can mean that your instincts serve you well. You already know what you want and need, now you have to go after it. However, you should be mindful of other people's limitations while doing this. This card has a power that some people find 'too much', be careful.
While you may be clear about what should happen in your work environment, now may not be a good time to share your thoughts. Do not overreact to any perceived contempt or humiliation. If you are looking for a job, you can work on transferring yourself well to the other party. Pay attention to the women in your life so that they can point you in the right direction.
Regarding love, the only warning on this card is to be mindful of the urge to be too strong. Your mother or a mother-like figure in your life may be doing or trying to do too much damage to your relationship. This may be intentional or unintentional, but the only thing that is real is that your relationship has been damaged. Whoever you are, you should draw your boundaries well.
Regarding money, the Queen of Swords may indicate that a strong woman is about to play an important role in your financial life. You can learn a lot from him if you can be open to what he has to say.
You may be repressing your emotions and if you continue to do so, you could take a huge toll on your health. Right from now on you should start paying attention to how, when and where you express your emotional reactions. Anything that lowers your stress level will help you during this period, even a five-minute walk. Make sure to stay in the moment.
The Queen points out that your emotions are a key to unlocking the door to your spiritual life. Think about how you are feeling and what caused that feeling. Stop thinking and try to feel something. Keeping a dream journal can be of great help to you now. Be open to messages from your soul every day.