


This card is a card about balance and all kinds of relationships in many ways. Friendships, family, relationships and business partnerships all need your attention. This card is also a card related to alchemy. You may need to try a few different things before you find the one that's really right for you.


Even if all the relationships in your life are going well in general, you may need to look at your deeper personal problems and think about whether they will come up in the future. If you come across them and think they will pose a problem in the future, you should come up with an idea of how to solve these problems. Your current goal is; finding balance in yourself, your relationships, and your goals.


You should always aim high, but not have expectations from yourself or others that you or they cannot meet. You must do your work patiently and diligently, you will get rewards in the long run. The things you achieve will not be ignored.


Often times you have to have peace within yourself before you can have peace in your relationships. Pay attention to what you feel guilty about, the mistakes you feel you have made in the past. You should learn from these mistakes and forgive yourself and look your way. It's really the only way you can make progress.


There is likely to be a perfect balance between inbound and outbound. But if you need to increase your earnings, you may have to ask for what you deserve. You must be courageous and proud, you will not fail.


Balance and attention are the keys to your health. Are you sleeping well, eating well, playing and working enough, getting enough exercise? Think about where you might be unstable and correct that. Moderation is the only way to be absolutely healthy right now.


This is an important time to meditate and to listen to your inner voice for spiritual guidance and to seek help if you need help. It can be a good time to seek help from both yourself and others.

Temperance (Reversed)



This card is all about balance and relationships. Mutual relationships such as friendships, family, romantic relationships, and business life may require special attention when you draw this card. When it comes in reverse, you may be encouraged to experiment in various areas of our lives. You may have to try a few different things before you find the one that's really right for you.


Generally speaking, any relationship can be good. You may be receiving constructive criticism, which can be very helpful to you. Look at your deeper personal problems and determine if they are holding you back from moving forward in your life. What you need to do is to maintain balance in your life. If you need help doing this, ask!


Not a good time to hang out as a lone wolf. Even if it is difficult for you to work as a team player and your work is done individually, you are in an important period to strive to be a team. No matter how things look on the surface, your work will be appreciated.


You should see if you and your relationships are in balance. This is an important time to pay attention to what others are bringing into or taking away from your life. Even if you think that your partner does not even give 100% to the relationship and you give 300%, things can be completely different from your partner's eyes. As an individual, trust yourself first. A lover cannot 'complete' or complete you.


There is likely to be a balance in things that come and go financially. But you can't just sit back and wait for the world to instantly pay you what you deserve. Have the courage to ask for what you need, you must strengthen the flow of money.


Being in balance and moderation is almost a key point in health. We should ask ourselves basic health questions such as whether we eat well or not, and if we have deficiencies, we should try to make up for them. It is certainly possible to say that something is out of balance if you have health problems when this card appears. It's time to think about what this might be and try to fix this problem.


The partnerships you form while you are on the path of spiritual development can be extremely beneficial to you. This partnership may not necessarily be like going to a church of your choice every week, but there is no reason why it shouldn't. It is important to constantly renew your mental state, whether by reading books for personal development or spiritual development. While doing these, do not try to answer every question yourself and do not forget to rest.