Even when in reverse, this card symbolizes the fork in the road. Usually you have to choose one of the two-door road. This period is not a time to judge and criticize people and those around you, on the contrary, it is a period when you should question yourself and try to find the right path. Not knowing what to do is usually a sign that you should do nothing.
It may be time to let go of an expired job, friendship, relationship or deal. Of course you should think well before you act, but it may be beneficial for you to remove the 'unnecessary things' from your life. No matter how much you love something that hurts you, you should remove it from your life. When reversed, this card warns you not to specifically fight change.
If things aren't going your way, you should stop blaming everyone but yourself. At the same time, you should not blame yourself for everything and keep yourself from moving forward. If you want to change an 'ideal' situation in your work, strive for it.
The general theme of this card is 'release'. You may have to let go of a certain type of relationship vision or a certain person for your own sake. If you are in a long-term relationship, you may be about to enter a crossroads. If this is the case, you have nothing to be afraid of, but there is something to watch out for. You should use the subtle clues you have acquired throughout your relationship to find the right path at this crossroads.
You may not know exactly what to do about your financial situation. One of the most important things to realize now is that you are not alone and you don't have to do everything yourself. Feel free to accept a helping hand if you need it. If the financial situation is stagnant and your situation is good, opening the flow of money by sharing what you have can have a positive result. Something as simple as this can start turning the wheels to improve your well-being. Don't be afraid to share what you have.
If you're not feeling well, you can try changing something in your classic health routine to see how it affects your health and whether it works for you. For example, many people find that when they stop using any dairy product, they see significant improvements in their health. You can radically affect situations by changing something that feels physically wrong for you. You have to listen and analyze your body and what it's telling you, think about mental states that relate to physical symptoms.
Messages given to us as children can come back into our lives to haunt us. This is especially effective for those who grew up in an oppressive environment. Examine the beliefs that have been affecting your life for a long time and see if they are well-founded. Feel free to communicate and exchange ideas with others about these issues. It is possible to draw important conclusions about your own ideas by examining other ideas, be brave.