The Saint Card is often a very spiritual card - often in a sexual sense. It can mean that you are in a period where you will be much more physically attractive to others. This card is connected to the Moon, femininity and inspiration.
The Saint Card is often a very spiritual card - often in a sexual sense. It can mean that you are in a period where you will be much more physically attractive to others. This card is connected to the Moon, femininity and inspiration.
This card is a sign for you to trust your intuition and inner knowledge rather than your mind or intellect. It is very important for you to pay attention to your dreams at this time. Keeping a dream diary can be very useful for you during this period. There may be more than one important event in your life at this time. When the Saint Card is read by a man, it may indicate a woman that that man will desire very much, and at the same time, the man may never reach this woman.
It is possible that there will be a good surprise development related to your job soon. Although this may be in the form of a raise in your salary, another type of improvement is much more likely. It may also be something that can make your life easier. You can develop a new system or processes that make your work life simpler and stress-free. Changing a job If you're in the process (even if you're just thinking about it) now is the time to always keep your eyes and ears open for something new. If none of these scenarios suit you, then there may be too much business gossip going around. Ignore those rumors and never get involved in them. This may not always be easy as it is in your nature, but you should stay as far away as possible.
This card can point to a mystical, magical era for anyone in search of love. If you are a woman, there is a very high probability that you will find someone who can literally die for you. The problem is that during this period you will attract both good and bad, and you can tell which is good and which is bad. It may not always be easy! You are currently under the influence of the power of your femininity, but there is something you need to watch out for. Do not abuse this power or it may backfire on you! If you are interested in women, a distant and unreachable woman may catch your attention. Trust your instincts to help you chase the unreachable.
The Saint Card is not a very good messenger in financial situations. The card itself is not bad, but carries a warning that things may not be as they seem. Someone may not be being honest with you about money. You may not have all the information necessary to act wisely. It is a pointer to not be afraid to do your own research. When it comes to financial situations, make sure you provide only the information you need and not more.
There may be something about your health that you don't know yet. If you think something is wrong with your body, believe your concerns and see a doctor. If your doctor can't help you, you can see a different healthcare professional. Trust your instincts. If a suggested solution or test doesn't feel right for you, always consult your doctor. Don't forget to support yourself as much as possible with diet, exercise, vitamins/minerals.
Messages can come to you from all sorts of places. Try to look at spirituality in ways that you have not looked at before. This does not mean that you have joined a different religion or that you have not started anything you need to start by now. Many people confuse being religious with being spiritual. Remember that these are two completely different things. Talk to people whose experiences and beliefs are different from yours. Make an effort to step out of your comfort zone. Remember that this will make you a more experienced and wise person.
Overall, this card is a very spiritual and deep card, even when reversed. However, if reversed, it may be a little harder to feel the intuitive energy flowing into you. The energy is there waiting for you, do your best to feel it and get it.
You may have trouble hearing what your intuition is telling you. If that's the case, this might be a good time to calm down and meditate. Try things that calm you down, such as yoga and walking meditations. Trust yourself and your instincts.
You may be confused about what's going on in your business life. If this is your situation, do not hesitate to seek information and consult with your colleagues and supervisors. Your instincts may be telling you to stay calm. If so, listen to them and try to calm down. Things will become clearer soon.
Others are likely to find you more attractive than you think. If you want a relationship, you should not ignore this situation. You may find it difficult to understand how others feel about love and romance. If you're not sure, don't be afraid to ask them.
A group of people or one individual may not be completely honest with you about financial matters. Be very careful what you sign at the time you draw this card. Do not hesitate to ask for more information when it comes to large transactions you will make. When this card appears, you can be sure that not everything is as it seems.
You may not yet know all the answers you need to know about health questions. You should not take the first opinion you get as absolutely correct. If you're receiving treatment for a physical problem, this might be a good time to get yourself a second opinion. If you think something is not right, you should not waste time seeking support. Trust yourself. You can find a diet and exercise program that suits your health. Support yourself in the best way possible.
It is possible that you are not receiving the messages your soul is sending you both while asleep and when you are not asleep. Think about strange events and dreams that have happened to you recently. What might he want to be told to you? Give yourself some time and space to be alone and think, it's important to get the message.