The Lovers

The Lovers


The Lovers Card relates to a zodiac sign 'Gemini'. It almost always indicates partnerships with one person. Generally this partnership refers to a romantic relationship, but of course this is not always the case. Less often, it expresses an inner duality that we all have—male/female, yin/yang.


The appearance of this card indicates that you are indecisive about a relationship or situation in your life. Your heart may be telling you one thing, your logic another. In general, the thing to do is to listen to your heart as much as your morals. Some people say that at some point in your life you are faced with two choices: 'fear' and 'love'. In these situations, choosing 'love' may be the right choice for you.


You may be faced with a choice or decision about a job. You need to examine all the data you have and make the right decision. The outcome of an event that you initially thought was bad may be in your favor. You are in a period where you have to be very careful not to mix your work with romance.


When you draw this card, it usually means that you will put love at the center of your life. This can be seen as either a new relationship or a strong re-emergence of an old relationship. Either way, you will be satisfied with the way your relationship is going and it will positively affect your life. Even in a new relationship, this can turn into a relationship where you meet each other's families and want it to last 'forever'. Share your joy with people around you. Life will go on wonderfully for you during this period.


Your life will most likely be so 'romantic' that it will be difficult for you to realize where you are in your career. Of course, most things can wait for love, but some things cannot be ignored. So always make sure you do your part in your business life.


If you are facing health problems, you should know that your partner will help you regain your strength. Whether it is a traditional doctor, nurse or healer depends entirely on your choices in your life. If you are facing difficulties, you should sit down and think about your health and do a ritual that you must do.


Working with a mentor or leader you believe in will help you along your spiritual journey. But you should not follow this person blindly, question every step you take and listen to your instincts with your heart. You should only care about what is beneficial to you. A mentor may be preparing to enter your life. As the old saying goes, 'When the student is ready, the teacher appears'.

The Lovers (Reversed)

The Lovers


It is a strong positive omen for all relationships in your life and especially for your romantic relationships. This card is directly related to the zodiac sign 'twins'.


When this card appears upside down, you may be worried about a relationship or situation in your life. You should analyze what your instinct is telling you and for what reason it tells you and listen to it. Do not try to ignore your feelings and intuitions, you do not know when they will benefit you.


When you draw this card upside down, you may be attracted to someone in your work environment. This isn't a bad thing, but bringing your work and leisure lives too close together will do you harm. Make sure you know what you're getting into. Could you lose your job as a result? Can you handle the events that will happen to you? Don't be arrogant and try to think of the worst case scenario before you act.


Even inverted, this card is an excellent precursor for your love life. Being reversed can only slightly weaken the positive love energies that come to you, and this can delay the arrival of the good news for a little while. Think positive though, it's a great time to go out and meet people.


You are warned to spend too much time and energy on your love life and pay little attention to other matters ahead, especially your financial and personal life. You should not do this, as always, you should pay attention to the balance in this period. No matter what happens in your life, you should not let your financial situation get out of your control. Do not overlook the things you need to pay attention to.


If you are currently struggling with a problem, you are at a time when your care and concern for yourself and your body is critical. If your body hurts you, love it even if it has disappointed you. It still serves you in many positive ways and will continue to do so. Your sense of self and self-esteem are very important during this period.


If you're not careful, you may find yourself falling in love with a teacher or trainer. If these people appear in your life, you must be careful not to get carried away. Sometimes love in these contexts results in not receiving the information your teacher has given you. If a teacher or mentor says he's in love with you, think carefully before starting a relationship with him. They may be abusing a sense of trust, pay attention.