When you draw this card, you will feel inspired and think more positively about the future than you have in a while. You will also feel more confident that your needs—emotional or financial, or both—will be met. Of course, we can't say for sure about anything, but it seems unlikely that you will be insecure at this time. This card also has spiritual meanings and indicates that you are close to finding yourself. These feelings are not for everyone all the time, so make sure you enjoy them.
This card is definitely a good sign. While you're probably already inclined to think positively, now is the time to do so with particular emphasis. What changes do you want to make or see in your life? You should make a list of them. Now you can achieve almost anything you decide to do. Set your goals high.
If you have a job and you are happy with it, your business should be doing very well right now. If you are not that satisfied with your current position then this is a time when you can expect new opportunities to come into your life. But the thing to watch out for is that you should always be open to these opportunities. There are some things that it takes to be ready for them, you need to dust your resume, read and learn tips and tactics for making positive career changes and put them into practice.
If you're on the hunt for a new relationship, this is the perfect time to meet someone new. While it's not impossible for love to come knocking on your door, it's more likely for you to go out and meet him. You can have a new relationship at any moment, so you should never turn down an invitation. If you are already in love and committed, your relationship may be ready to take it to a new level. Make the most of this opportunity and keep building on it.
The Star Card is a very strong and positive omen and you are likely to be in better shape financially right now than you first thought. There's definitely the possibility of something extra. This is also a great time to take risks, but risks you can only afford. Therefore, if you are investing in stocks, even with a modest investment now, you can get a nice dividend in the future. Also, if you're looking to get a raise at work, or if you're looking to dispose of something you no longer want or need, this is a great time. You will have everything you need, so enjoy.
You are at the perfect time for health. You may be expecting some kind of test results, the test results you expect are likely to be very positive. You will be calm and inspired. Take care of yourselves.
You are so in touch with your spirituality now that it is a great time to reach out to others and share your wisdom and joy. Your efforts to do this will come back to you time and again. The world needs your light and happiness. You have to get to a certain point to let it shine.