Even though there is a lot of potential and promise on your part, you may feel stuck. Now is the perfect time to review how good you are at asking for help when you need it. Remember that you don't have to do everything by yourself.
You've worked hard and you're almost at the 'finish line', don't quit now just because you're almost done. You almost certainly deserve a rest you need, of course you'll get it. You are approaching 'who you really are' at your deepest levels. Pay attention to where you encounter obstacles during this journey and deal with them.
It's time to review how your real achievements align with your potential. Are you giving yourself enough credit? Do you realize how talented you are? If you are and you think that the people you work with are not aware of this, you should not let this situation wear you down. No matter what happens, you should always keep moving forward and developing, sooner or later the people around you will realize how talented you are and what you've accomplished. If you are not aware of your own abilities, it will be very helpful for you to take career and personality tests or talk to other people to try to understand how they become aware of themselves.
If you are in a relationship, you and/or your partner may be feeling a little 'stuck' or stagnant. If you try and be truly honest with each other, you will find that your relationship will reach 'new heights'. If you are looking for love, strive to find it. Meet strangers, go to new places you've never been before. You should never be afraid to do these things, if you close yourself to where you are out of fear, nothing will change in your life.
If you are in a somewhat 'sluggish' period in terms of money, you will see that the congestion will pass soon and things will get better sooner or later. In the near future, you will find yourself financially more free than before. However, when you are financially free, you should avoid unnecessary spending. This is an important time to try to protect yourself and prepare for the tough times ahead.
Something in your mind or body that is protecting your health may be 'clogged'. It may be good for you to talk to a healer who provides healthcare other than Traditional Western Medicine. You should remember that this should work in concert with medical treatment rather than replacing it. Try to instinctively figure out what's best for your health in a logical frame of mind.
You are likely to find answers to some of the important spiritual pursuits during this time. Keep a notebook at hand and record the answers that may come to your mind, in this notebook. Share your answers with other people as much as you can, we are all spiritual seekers and thoughts that may seem right to you can have the same effect on others.